Gratis workshop om forretningsmuligheder for hjælpemidler og velfærdsteknologi i UK
Danish.Care er medarrangør af en gratis workshop d. 21. september 2023 i København om markeds- og eksportmuligheder i UK for danske virksomheder inden for hjælpemidler og velfærdsteknologi.
Workshoppen er første del af et 3-trinsforløb, hvor vi sammen med ambassaden i London vil dykke ned i oplagte salgs-, markedsførings-, og netværksskabende aktiviteter, herunder et udvidet workshop-forløb og et helt centralt dansk markedsbesøg på messen The Occupational Therapy Show (The OT Show) i dagene 22.-23. november 2023 i Birmingham.
Workshoppen vil bl.a. indebære spørgesession med Royal College of Occupational Therapists og individuel rådgivning relateret til brexit.
Workshoppen d. 21. september 2023 foregår i Eigtveds Pakhus, Strandgade 25D, København, fra 09.00-12.00, og der vil bl.a. være fokus på markedsmuligheder med relevante patientforeninger, markedsadgang og regulatoriske forhold post Brexit og udførlig information om The OT Show og det øvrige forløb.
Kontaktperson fra Danish.Care er chefkonsulent Anders Lyck Fogh-Schultz: / +45 2299 3244 og nødvendig tilmelding sker til Market Entry Advisor Natasha Granzow på mail:
Forløbet er delfinansieret af Brexit-midler, og spørgsmål til egenbetaling for deltagende virksomheder (for 2. workshop og markedsbesøget til Birmingham) sker til til Natasha Granzow.
Spørgsmål om deltagelse og Danish.Care's rolle sker til Anders Lyck Fogh-Schultz.
Læs mere information i den engelske tekst her:
Are you interested in how to enter the UK market?
The Embassy of Denmark in London is hosting a free UK market entry workshop in Copenhagen with focus on business and export opportunities within the assistive tech, elderly care and care tech sector the UK.
The UK have recently launched the first national strategy for Medical Technologies, showing a heightened interest for welfare, and assistive technologies. The strategy and the current NHS backlog have created a strengthened focus on the need and value provided by means of medical and assistive technologies. The national health system demand thus provides a unique opportunity to showcase and position innovative Danish solutions and strongholds.
This workshop will include presentations and Q&A-sessions on the opportunities on the UK market with representatives from patient associations, as well as individual guidance on Brexit regulation. Market Access experts will be answering your questions about export registration, the free trade agreement (TCA) and UKCA marking. Lastly, the programme will help prepare delegates to partake and meet byers, NHS trusts and care homes at our joint visit to the OT Show (Nov 22-23).
The workshop will leave you with a better understanding of how your products can address the needs of the British healthcare system and how to navigate some of the negative effects and uncertainties after Brexit.
Why Join?
- Introduction to the UK market for assistive tech, elderly care and care tech
- Unique opportunity to meet and receive feedback from UK patient associations
- Learn about post Brexit requirements and certifications, UKCA marking and UK responsible person (UKRP)
The Occupational Therapy Show:
The Occupational Therapy Show is the UK’s leading event for the Occupational Therapy community held at the NEC Birmingham on 22-23 November 2023. The delegation visit to the show will be an opportunity to meet byers from NHS trusts and care homes, as well as to meet healthcare professionals and distributors.