
Seminar: Adgang til det nordamerikanske marked

The Danish Trade Council offers an in-person seminar in Copenhagen to support Danish MedTech SMEs entering the North American markets. Danish.Care is supporting this seminar as a partner organization.

Stakeholders and leading industry experts with deep knowledge and experience with the US and Canadian markets will provide valuable content on specific aspects of market access with a particular focus on reimbursement.

Time & place: 20 and 21 June 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Event registration (

Contact: Your contact in Danish.Care regarding this seminar is Chief Consultant Anders Lyck Fogh-Schultz, phone +45 2299 3244, mail

Denmark's life science sector offers innovative solutions to global health-care challenges, and North America is a crucial trading partner for Danish companies in this industry. The US is the largest market, with $7.45 billion in Danish life science exports in 2020.

However, Danish SMEs face significant obstacles to entering these markets due to complex regulatory requirements, reimbursement processes, distribution channels, and entity establishment requirements.

Without adequate know-ledge and resources, companies may miss out on potential earnings.

The seminar has been developed through discussions with leading industry experts and based on feedback from Danish SMEs.

Read more and see programme (PDF)

Vil du høre mere om eksportmuligheder på det nordamerikanske marked og deltage i dette seminar?
Så er du velkommen til at kontakte chefkonsulent Anders Lyck Fogh-Schultz på telefon +45 2299 3244 eller mail

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Handicaporganisationernes Hus
Blekinge Boulevard 2
2630 Taastrup

Forskerparken 10 E23
5230 Odense M

CVR: 2869 3222
Tlf. +45 3254 2425

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Medlem af Danish.Care
Ikke medlem af Danish.Care*

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